

Other Housekeeping

Here are the housekeeping tasks that we can help you with. As this work is highly variable, please book a good estimate of the time needded to complete the tasks you want done - we suggest you add a 30-min buffer on top of your estimate.

Clean windows

Change curtains, bedsheets, pillowcases, and/or blankets

Polish furniture and/or floor

Clean fans and/or A/C filters

Hanging of wet laundry

Clean refrigerators and ovens



1. Any housekeeping activity must be done inside the house; our employees will not/ must not reach for anything outside the window nor expose his/her limbs or even tools and materials outside the window for the safety of our employees and for any person outside. The service refers to basic cleaning of surfaces and no disassembly of electronic parts. Equipment must be unplugged first before cleaning. The service above excludes any heavy-lifting and rearranging of furniture, repairs, de-clogging, washing of clothes, and anything not mentioned above

2. Customer should provide the cleaning and/or polishing chemicals (except if purchased through helpmeet).

3. If the customer wishes to have his/her refrigerator cleaned, the refrigerator should be turned off to defrost for at least an hour before the service schedule.